


Just like your grandmother gathered fresh from the coop not long ago, eggs play a beneficial part of your diet if you’re looking to achieve health, strength and energy.

Most people raising livestock for eggs have ducks and chickens. If you aren’t able to raise your own, chicken eggs are the most widely available and affordable. (more…)

Is it possible, really possible, to increase muscle mass on a plant based diet?

When using trusty ‘Professor Google’ to search for answers, you may become excited to read  ‘Yes.’ Vegetables and muscles are, apparently, good friends that work synergistically with one another and not as mutually exclusive as you may have once thought.

 Yet disappointment lurks around the corner. The same ‘Yes’ article re-directs you to the vegetarian body building sample diet plan. You are greeted with some vegetables, but also with 3 meal replacement shakes that are full of sweeteners and nasties (but that also contain copious amounts of amino acids and protein.) The vegetables become the buffer for the protein hits found in your morning and afternoon shaker. Plus, some people can just not tolerate protein shakes and pills stuffed full of sucralose, stevia and fructose. (more…)

Are you taking advantage of these superfoods?


1) Grass-fed beef

Conventional ideologies and negative connotations about red meat have remained in the consciousness of many modern cultures for way too long. (more…)

Whether you pop it in a pill, inject it, chew it or sprinkle it over your cereal, vitamins are becoming increasingly popular. A recent study by Niina Savikko reported a significant increase in the use of vitamins and fish oils within the last ten years, particularly for vitamin D and calcium. She also identified the use of vitamins was no longer directly associated with personal levels of education.

Yet despite the population becoming supplemental savvy, (more…)

This week I was invited by the Galadari Motoring Driving Centre to take part in a desert off-roading and survival course. It will come as no surprise that when I was offered this opportunity I leaped at it right away. I have had many amazing experiences here in Dubai, however, driving in the desert and camping is one I have not yet had the privilege to have take part in. (more…)

Sometimes it is a good idea to implement some low impact, “active recovery” workouts in your week. These types of workouts are going to help iron out those creases and creaks you may feel – be that mobility in joints, or stiffness in muscles – these exercises and types of workouts are complementary active recovery activities that are going to enhance your performance across your health, fitness, and life in general. (more…)

At Elite, our signature session is our “Chutecamp” incorporating a series of sprint intervals which are already taxing enough, let alone with a parachute, or two (or three!) attached behind you! Of course it makes a good Instagram pic, and looks rather cool with a parachute as you sprint into the wind – but why is this our trademark training tool, and what is this training method doing for you? (more…)

Many people hit the gym to improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and of course,To get that famous beach body, keeping fit has many additional benefits too. Scientists have pondered how exercising can be related to an increase in brain function. studies show that making time for exercise provides some serious mental benefits. Here are a few things you might not have realised are happening to your body whilst engaged in a healthy lifestyle.
